4 research outputs found


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    For the retinal blood vessels segmentation, we used a method, which is based on the morphological operations. The output of this process is extracted retinal binary image, where is situated main blood vessels. In this paper is used dataset of images (2800 images) from device RetCam3. Before applying the image processing, it was selected 30 images with diagnosed pre-plus diseases, and it is divided into two groups with low contrast and good contrast images. In the next part of the analysis, it was analyzing and showing blood vessels with tortuosity. Tortuosity is a symptom of ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). The clinical physicians evaluate tortuosity by visual comparison of the retinal images images. For this reason, it was suggested model which can automatically indicate the tortuosity of the retinal blood vessels by setting a threshold of the blood vessels curvature


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    The paper deals with the segmentation procedure for optical nerve localization and the consequent determination of geometrical parameters such as optical nerve area, radius and diameter. An extraction of these geometrical parameters is especially important for clinical practice particularly in the case where retinal lesions are present. On the base of the optical nerve extraction, we are capable of comparing it with area of retinal lesions. Via this approach it is possible to track time evaluation of retinal lesions. The proposed algorithm for segmentation of optical nerve area is performed within two main steps. In the first step, the active contour method is used specially for the localization of the optical nerve. This part of the algorithm generates mathematical model of the optical nerve in binary form. Consequently, on the base of this mathematical model of the optical nerve respective geometrical parameters are worked out for future comparison with retinal lesions. Image preprocessing is an integral part of the segmentation procedure, improving the observability of the optical nerve to ensure as relevant detection of the optical nerve as possible

    Detecting Binocular Diplopia in Orbital Floor Blowout Fractures: Superiority of the Orthoptic Approach

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    Background and Objectives: In patients with orbital floor blowout fracture (OFBF), accurate diagnosis of ocular motility disorder is important for decisions about conservative or surgical therapy. However, the accuracy of the traditional test for detecting binocular diplopia/ocular motility disorder using a moving pencil or finger (hereinafter, “finger test”) has been generally accepted as correct and has not been subject to scrutiny so far. Hence, its accuracy relative to full orthoptic examination is unknown. Materials and Methods: In this paper, the results of the “finger test” were compared with those derived from a complex examination by orthoptic tests (considered “true” value in patients with OFBF). Results: “Finger test” detected ocular motility disorder in 23% of patients while the full orthoptic examination proved much more efficient, detecting ocular motility disorder in 65% of patients. Lancaster screen test and test with color filters were the most important tests in the battery of the orthoptic tests, capable of identifying 97.7% and 95.3% of patients with ocular motility disorder, respectively. Still, none of the tests were able to correctly detect all patients with ocular motility disorder in itself. Conclusions: As the presence of ocular motility disorder/binocular diplopia is an important indication criterion for the surgical solution of the orbital floor blowout fracture, we conclude that a complex orthoptic evaluation should be always performed in these patients

    Simulation of Orbital Fractures Using Experimental and Mathematical Approaches: A Pilot Study

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    This contribution gives basic information about the mechanical behavior of the facial part of the human skull cranium, i.e., the splanchnocranium, associated with external loads and injuries caused mainly by brachial violence. The main areas suffering from such violence include the orbit, frontal, and zygomatic bones. In this paper, as a first approach, brachial violence was simulated via quasi-static compression laboratory tests, in which cadaveric skulls were subjected to a load in a testing machine, increasing till fractures occurred. The test skulls were also used for research into the dynamic behavior, in which experimental and numerical analyses were performed. A relatively high variability in forces inducing the fractures has been observed (143–1403 N). The results lay the basis for applications mainly in forensic science, surgery, and ophthalmology